Event Summary
After the implementation of new statutory guidance on managing attendance from August 2024, join Westminster Insight’s School Attendance Conference to understand the next steps for improving attendance in schools and tackling persistent absence.
With a panel of expert speakers, we will discuss the impact of recent Government initiatives to improve attendance. What does the data tell us about progress so far? We will discuss mandatory data sharing and highlight new attendance code changes, sharing expert advice on how to record and monitor attendance in your school.
With a focus on the link between attendance, behaviour, and educational achievement, we explore how to provide effective support for students who are persistently absent, including those with complex family circumstances, SEND pupils, young carers, and those experiencing anxiety and other mental health issues. Explore the challenges faced by children from disadvantaged backgrounds, hear from best practice schools, and initiatives including peer support and the pupil premium.
We will learn how to tackle emotional based school avoidance (EBSA). How can your school spot, tackle and prevent EBSA? We will explore various mental health support services for students and teachers.
Young carers face significant challenges. Join us for best practice advice on how to support young carers’ education while signposting relevant support and flexibility in learning.
Collaboration with parents is one of the key steps to improving school attendance. Explore parents’ priorities and family needs, and how to establish a positive parent relationship from day one.
Join us for a full day of learning and networking. Hear from best practice schools and initiatives. Take the next steps to improve attendance rates in your school.
Key Points
- New NFER research on supporting attendance (due to publish March 2025)
- Monitoring attendance – how to implement the new attendance codes and changes
- The “Behavioural bubble”: the link between attendance, behaviour, and educational achievements
- Understanding the rise in post-Covid school suspensions and exclusions and sourcing the appropriate support
- Practical solutions to address the disadvantage gap – peer support, attendance hubs and mentors, and pupil premium
- Making adjustments to address the unique challenges faced by students with special educational needs
- Emotional Based School Avoidance – how to spot, tackle and prevent EBSA?
- How to identify and reach children missing in education
- Collaborating with parents to reduce school absences
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