Event Summary

The Government’s revised National Planning Policy Framework and consultation has been published, including immediate mandatory housing targets for local authorities, a review of greenbelt boundaries, adopting up-to-date local plans, and new ‘golden rules’ requiring developers to provide the necessary infrastructure for local communities.

Attend our Planning Reform Conference to explore what the updated NPPF means for local authorities, developers, and communities. We will hear how to overcome key challenges to delivering the reforms and learn from local authorities who have successfully implemented local plans that work for their communities.

With an additional £100 million made available to support council develop local plans, understand how you can prepare for changes in planning powers, capacity, and resources. Put your questions to our panel of housebuilders, developers, landowners, and LPAs about how they are planning to meet the new mandatory housing targets.

Explore the practicalities of building a generation of new towns and expanding and regenerating exiting towns. Understand the implications of new grey belt sites, use of brownfield land, reformed compensation rules, and how to get stalled development sites moving forward again.

Learn about key reforms to infrastructure planning and delivery at both national and local levels to support the number of new houses being built.

Key Points

  • Hear from the Government on the revised National Planning Policy Framework
  • Adopting local plans: the ‘golden rules’, funding and infrastructure
  • Hear from the new Government about what stays, what goes and what is new in the revised National Planning Policy Framework
  • Explore how local authorities are preparing for the changes by modernising planning committees, producing local plans under the new system and managing capacity and resource issues
  • Discover how planners, developers and homebuilders are working together to meet mandatory housing targets for social, affordable and quality housing
  • Learn about the critical success factors for delivering new towns
  • Unlock development sites though town extensions, brownfield regeneration, urban regeneration and adaptive reuse of existing buildings
  • Enhance community engagement in planning to address public concerns and win approval
  • Get examples of how new housing projects can promote environmental sustainability, accessibility, and community well-being
  • Understand the implications of planning reforms for critical national and local infrastructure


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