Course Summary
One in five adults experience suicidal thoughts and feelings during their lives, with men being three times more likely to die by suicide than women. * Men are less likely to seek help and more inclined to ‘suffer in silence’.
Although the signs of suicide are not always visible, some are preventable with the appropriate intervention. As managers and leaders, you can do your part to ensure your staff’s health, safety and welfare.
Join our Responding to Male Suicide Risk in the Workplace online training to ensure that you and your staff are better equipped to respond to a crisis. Hear best practice on how to engage and support at-risk male staff in the workplace with compassion and understanding.
Take away innovative insights on how to support men’s mental health by implementing wellbeing practices, stress reduction strategies and fostering open communication. Develop your understanding of men’s mental health and learn how to encourage men to seek support services.
Our expert trainer will provide you with a practical toolkit and strategies for developing the best procedures and frameworks for intervening in the early stages to better safeguard colleagues. You will leave the workshop feeling empowered and ready to make a difference.
*NHS 2023