Event Summary

Building quality has a significant impact on safety, learners’, attainment and teacher retention. However, the ailing state of the UK’s educational estate has been highlighted recently by the RAAC crisis and the National Audit Office* report finding that 38% of buildings are beyond their design life, with many more requiring major refurbishments.

Attend Westminster Insight’s Educational Estates and School Buildings Conference to get answers to pressing estate management issues including the funding, design, building, maintenance and management of school, college and university premises. 

Hear about the Government’s priorities for enhancing estates and preventing deterioration, and how to access funding and grants. Learn how to future-proof your estate through effective energy, decarbonisation and sustainability upgrades.

 Gain a legal update on building condition and compliance including RAAC, asbestos, fire safety and construction regulations, to ensure those using your premises are safe. Plus look at how to shape the future of learning environments to be more inclusive and to support SEND and learners’ health and wellbeing

 Delegates will explore how to develop an effective long term estates strategy, incorporating the Estate Management Competency Framework, and how digitising your estate can help you prioritise work in order of urgency, need and how well it meets your educational objectives.

* (National Audit Office (NAO), School Buildings Report, June 2023)

Key Points

  • Government priorities for educational estates
  • Developing an effective long term estates strategy (Putting the DfE Estate Management Competency Framework and ‘GEMS’ into practice)
  • Capital investment, funding streams, grants and how to access them
  • Managing building health, safety and legal compliance including asbestos, RAAC, fire safety and CDM
  • Sustainability, Net-Zero, energy efficiency and retrofitting challenges
  • Designing and building educational environments to meet modern day learning needs, support SEND and learners’ health and wellbeing
  • Adopting digital approaches to improve estate management

Venue details

In-person: This conference will take place in London. Attend this full-day event to network, build relationships, and learn from your peers.


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