Course Summary

In April 2024 the Department for Education published the Protective Security and Preparedness for Education Settings guidance to help educational settings become better prepared for and able to respond to terrorism and other major incidents. This timely training is designed for Early Years, Schools, Further Education, and Alternative Provisions, to help you prepare and deal with a potential incident at or near your education setting.

Our Protective Security and Preparedness for Education Settings online training course provides the opportunity to review your approach and make improvements to existing plans and create procedures to be able to deal with major incidents.

Our expert trainer will provide guidance on:

  • Simple steps you can take to improve security and help keep learners, staff and visitors safe
  • Hosting large events
  • What works best for learners and staff with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND): ensuring that policies, plans and procedures are inclusive and accessible
  • Response options to a live incident: lockdown, invacuation and evacuation
  • Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs)

The Terrorism (Protection of Premises) draft Bill, also known as Martyn’s Law, will also place a requirement education and childcare premises with a capacity of 200 or more individuals to consider the threat from terrorism and implement appropriate and proportionate mitigation measures.

Attend this course to ensure you are prepared for the new legislation. Learn best practice for incident planning and embed a security culture in your setting.