Course Summary

Many problems at work can be resolved informally, however you should still take them seriously and keep a record of how you dealt with the problem. A robust approach to resolve informal and formal issues will reflect the values and standards of your organisation.

Join our Managing Grievances in the Workplace half-day online training to explore practical solutions to handle employee complaints and concerns. Ensure that issues are dealt with fairly and consistently, and that you have transparent procedures in place.

Our expert trainer will provide guidance on how to respond to employee grievances and disputes such as bullying, harassment and whistleblowing. Review and benchmark your strategy in line with the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures.

Learn how to:

  • Manage expectations and assess risk
  • Evaluate the use of informal routes to resolve complaints and de-escalate a situation
  • Respond to disciplinary issues
  • Avoid common pitfalls in investigations

This course will provide you with tools to handle difficult conversations with employees and establish routes to resolve issues swiftly. Attend to ensure you can effectively manage grievances and mitigate organisational risk including an employee making a claim to an employment tribunal.