Event Summary

Around one in seven people aged 16 years and over in England and Wales has been a victim of stalking.

Join our annual Tackling Stalking Digital Conference to understand how service providers can improve their responses to protect victims and manage perpetrators.

You will hear lessons and recommendations from the investigation on the Police Response to Stalking, two years on from the Super-complaint submitted by the Suzy Lamplugh Trust. By March 2025, all police forces must demonstrate progress against their stalking action plans. We will share strategies to benchmark your progress and understand how to:

  • Improve the quality of stalking investigations to increase sentencing outcomes
  • Make the best use of Stalking Protection Orders (SPOs) to deter offenders
  • Ensure police and support services work closely to assess risks and improve services provided to victims

Stalking offences amount to 40% of all VAWG offences. Hear experiences on the specific challenges for victims from different backgrounds, tackling barriers to reporting, and empowering victims to come forward.

Learn how to improve collaboration through Multi-Agency Services Intervention Programmes (MASIPs) with views from health partners and specialist services. Understand how to assess risks with insights from the Stalking Threat Assessment Centre (STAC) and prevent stalking cases from escalating to other serious offences.

Sessions will include spotlights on cyberstalking from the Cyber Helpline, with recommendations to safeguard victims online and deter stalkers. The Met Police will share learnings from Operation Atlas and how to improve the use of digital evidence for investigations.

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear practical insights and policy developments from experts in this area and learn more about the tools available to deter, stop and support.

*ONS 2024

Key Points

  • Next steps for policy and funding to upskill and improve the frontline response to stalking
  • Learning from the super-complaint: closing gaps in police responses to stalking
  • Legally defining stalking and harassment to improve investigations and prosecutions
  • Responding to Domestic Abuse and non-Domestic Abuse cases
  • Mitigating risks through psychologically informed services to identify high-risk cases
  • Learning from successful interventions and behaviour change programmes to prevent reoffending
  • Tackling Cyberstalking: Identifying harms and taking steps to protect victims


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