Course Summary

Staff willingness to speak up and bring ideas for innovation or raise concerns of misconduct in the workplace is a key facet of an open ethical culture in any organisation. But how easy is this in practice? Have you ever put yourself in the shoes of a reporter, and viewed it from their perspective?

Our Whistleblowing and Speaking Up training course will help you design, develop, and implement processes that allow employees and stakeholders to raise their concerns about practices they believe may be unethical, unsafe, or unlawful.

During this online workshop, you will be walked through the speak up journey and given a toolkit for developing an ethical culture. This course will provide guidance for organisations to assess their processes to handling internal and external concerns. You will also review your legal duty to protect whistleblowers.

In this interactive course you will have the opportunity to analyse different scenarios and discuss alternative approaches to each situation. Good practice will be explored using a ‘speak up, listen up, follow up’ model which helps build trust and confidence in speaking up arrangements.