Course Summary

Around 15-20% of children and young people in the UK are Neurodivergent*.

Join our Neurodivergence in Education online training course to gain skills and tools that you can apply in the classroom to empower students and create an inclusive learning experience. 

This training will give primary and secondary teachers and staff the tools to improve pupil outcomes by focusing on their strengths and addressing complex needs. Gain insights on early identification and how to spot the signs of neurodivergence, before a diagnosis, through a needs-based approach.

We will discuss the evolving definition and understanding of neurodivergence, current perspectives and terminology, to ensure that staff are up to date with the ways to address and support wide ranging needs.

We will review specific learning difficulties (SpLD), how they might overlap and their impact on children’s behaviour and learning.

Learn the immediate steps you can take to build safe spaces, helping you prevent an anxiety provoking environment for neurodivergent children and young people.  Hear suggestions and best practice to create an optimal learning environment that fosters a sense of belonging.

We will discuss the evolving definition and understanding of neurodivergence, current perspectives and terminology, to ensure that staff are up to date with the ways to address and support wide ranging needs.

Don’t miss this opportunity to raise your questions, review real case studies and discuss how you can respond to different scenarios.

* National Statistics, 2023