Course Summary

Domestic Abuse Related Death Reviews (DARDR) – formerly referred to as domestic homicide reviews – are a critical process that will identify lessons learnt, prevent future tragedies and inform multi-agency responses to domestic abuse related homicides.

Our Managing a Domestic Abuse Related Death Review online training course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of how to manage a domestic abuse related death review in line with Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act. You will gain best practice and learn the practical steps involved in conducting a through and effective DARDR.

This course will outline the legal framework surrounding a DARDR, highlighting the key stages, preventative measures and escalation of risk; learning how to apply tools such as DASH risk assessment, among others.

We will discuss the importance of safeguarding and trauma-informed approaches in DARDRs, developing strategies for cooperation and communication across agencies.

Led by our specialist safeguarding trainer, Deborah Barnett, we will cover the statutory guidelines of managing a DARDR and the required duties. Explore practical case studies and the latest research to ensure your reports are functional and fit for purpose.