Event Summary

Local Resilience Forums (LRFs) are key to delivering the UK Government’s Resilience Framework to ensure we can anticipate, prevent, prepare, respond and recover from risks and emergencies facing the nation.

As demonstrated during the COVID-19 pandemic, the role of LRFs in emergency preparedness and response is vital. LRF roles and responsibilities are being strengthened through the three key pillars of reform: Leadership, Accountability and Integration. There is now a greater focus on prevention and preparation to drive and improve resilience across the board.

Westminster Insight’s Local Resilience, Emergency Preparedness and Response Conference will shine a light on the changing roles and responsibilities of LRFs and feature the latest policy updates and proposals alongside hands-on experience and advice.

Bringing together all LRFs along with partners from the public, voluntary and private sectors, this informative and interactive event will also provide an opportunity for multi-agencies to come together and examine the lessons identified from recent inquiries to incorporate into LRF emergency preparedness, planning and response.

Key points
  • Hear an update from the Cabinet Office’s Resilience Directorate on The UK Government’s Resilience Framework – one year on
  • Discover the latest from DLUHC on the Stronger LRFs Programme and the selected pilot areas, the chief resilience officer role and developing the means for stronger assurance and accountability
  • Explore the emerging themes from the COVID-19 Inquiry Module 1 hearing on Resilience and Preparedness and LRFs’ own Lessons Identified reports
  • Examine the lessons identified from the most recent inquiries that LRFs can take forward and develop in a workshop led by the Cabinet Office, DLUHC and the EPC
  • Hear a case study from GMCA’s Chief Resilience Officer – one of the pilots in the Stronger LRFs Programme
  • Hear conference Chair, Lord Toby Harris, Chair of National Preparedness Commission lead a discussion with the NFCC Lead for Local Resilience and the NPCC Lead for Civil Contingencies on how to improve multi-agency working
  • Hear from the VCSEP on the role of the voluntary and community sector in emergency planning and response and how to build more resilient communities

Venue details

In-person – This conference will take place at the Institution of Structural Engineers, Bastwick Street, London. Attend in-person to network, build relationships and learn from your peers.

Online – The conference will be recorded and live streamed via a custom digital platform. The content will be available on demand for 14 days.